

Working Out – High and Low Motivation

Remember when you first started working out months ago? You were pumped every time you went stepped into the gym. You were setting new personal records, getting stronger, and just felt awesome after every workout. It was great. Then one day your motivation subsided. You dragged…

Yes, I am an Introvert!

Yes, I am an introvert. No, I’m not shy. No, I’m not stuck up. No, I’m not antisocial. I’m just listening. I’m just observing. I can’t stand small talk… But I’ll talk about life for hours. I’d rather be home…

A Leader in His Own World

One of the key differences between an “alpha” male and a “beta” male, or a leader and a follower, is that a leader has responsibility. A follower does not. A follower’s life is pretty easy: just do what you are told…

The Ultimate Diet 2.0

Dieting to low bodyfat levels sucks. Actually, dieting sucks across the board but the real problems start when you start to get far below normal. So what’s normal? In modern times, an average male may be carrying 18-25% bodyfat, an average…

Weight Loss Tips for Healthy Living

There are many weight loss tips that are given, from the Internet to the TV to magazine, but the best are the ones that encourage a healthy lifestyle and not simply weight loss. Weight loss is typically a goal for…

Make your ex want you again

At this moment in time, are you the same person you were when you met your ex? Okay, I imagine you still go by the same name, maybe you work in the same office and possibly even have the exact…