Personal Accountability

Our bodies reflect who we are, what we think of ourselves, and how we feel toward others. Your physique is your message to the world, the first message people will hear when they meet you… perhaps even the loudest message.

Why is it that some people can lose fat, build muscle, and get healthy while others struggle their whole lives and never get the body they want? Some never even get motivated enough to try.

It’s not ignorance. People know they need to train hard, and they generally know what foods to eat and which ones to avoid.

Most people walk around in a willful stupor when it comes to their body and their [tag]health[/tag]. They know they’re too fat, too puny, or otherwise out of shape, but they choose not to think about it too much. If they do think about it, they quickly rationalize, make excuses, and push the thought out of their head.

It’s amazing how we can look in the mirror daily and yet never really see ourselves. Photos usually cut through the ego-defending mental blocks. So, take off your shirt and take three photos of yourself: one from the front, one from the back, and one from the side. Do not pose, suck in, flex, or manipulate the lighting. This can be a painful (and necessary) reality check that sparks the fire of change.

People who lose a lot of fat and build a lot of muscle don’t do it accidentally or in a half-ass manner. No one has ever made a radical physical transformation by “kinda sorta” wanting it, “watching” what they eat, or “trying” to exercise more.

Real transformation involves laser-like focus, near obsession with diet and training, and a total disregard for what other people may think.

The most successful people in the gym seldom rest on their laurels and get satisfied with their development. There are always improvements to be made. They never quit or regress because they’re always moving forward toward a new goal: more muscle, even less body fat, more weight on the bar, better health markers, etc.

After seeing both sides of the social world — the fat side and the lean, muscular side — you won’t want to go back to the out-of-shape side. This fear of loss is powerful, probably more powerful than reward.

Personal accountability creates the right mental attitude for long-term success. You are in control. You are responsible. It’s your fault if you fail; it’s your reward if you achieve. Everything counts: every workout, every bite of food you take.

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